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Selamat Datang di Situs Blog 3-Oz (Blog NetOS) !!! Mari kita salurkan aspirasi anda dengan berbagi ilmu dan kreasi berupa imajinasi !!!

About Me

Its My Life !!! Orang yang sederhana dan ingin mempunyai cita-cita Tinggi dan terus bersemangat untuk merebut itu semua !!!

Semangat Juang !

Untuk menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia, Ayo kita Bangkitkan Semangat Juang utk membangun Negeri ini !!!

Indahnya saat Bersama

Kebersamaan adalah suatu hal yang sangat menyenangkan bagiku karena mereka yg bisa membuatku bahagia dan menjadi spirit bagiku.


Hidup itu sementara tentunya kita harus mampu mewarnai diri kita supaya bisa lebih bermakna dari semuanya

Thursday, July 28, 2011

About Operating System

Operating System is a software that connects between the hardware and brainware

- Process Management
- Memory Management

Based on its use Operasai system is divided into two:
- GUI (Graphical User Interface)
- Basis Text (everything is operated using the console)

Miscellaneous Operating System:
- Microsoft Windows
- MacOS
- etc

Various kinds of distributions of Linux distributions:
- Ubuntu
- Debian
- Fedora
- OpenSuse
- Sabily
- RedHat
- Jangkar (Rembang Government Regency Distro )

NB :
Kernel: platform where everyone can access and create a bias operating system itself. (To check: #cat /var/proc/version)

Distro: Linux package in which consists of the Kernel, Applications, and File Management.
Source Scout: These codes are written to be understood to be run on hardware and software

Swap: The empty space that is used to help the performance of RAM as virtualization