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Its My Life !!! Orang yang sederhana dan ingin mempunyai cita-cita Tinggi dan terus bersemangat untuk merebut itu semua !!!

Semangat Juang !

Untuk menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia, Ayo kita Bangkitkan Semangat Juang utk membangun Negeri ini !!!

Indahnya saat Bersama

Kebersamaan adalah suatu hal yang sangat menyenangkan bagiku karena mereka yg bisa membuatku bahagia dan menjadi spirit bagiku.


Hidup itu sementara tentunya kita harus mampu mewarnai diri kita supaya bisa lebih bermakna dari semuanya

Friday, August 5, 2011

Cara menginstall CMS Wordpress di 000Webhost

Dalam pembuatan sebuah web setidaknya kita harus membutuhkan sebuah hosting dan juga domain. Hosting digunakan sebuah tempat penyimpanan data web kita, kemudian domain itu adalah alamatnya yg biasanya .com , .net , .sch.id , .org , dll. Tentunya dalam membuat domain dan memakai hosting tak banyak yang harus membayarnya, Tetapi jangan khawatir karena kita akan membuat hosting dan domain GRATISAN dari 000webhost.com .

1.Pertama kita harus mendaftar sebagai member 000webhost dan membuat domain, Klik Di bawah ini !

Free Website Hosting

Kemudian, kita pilih domain yang sudah terdaftar di 000webhost dan masuk ke CPANEL

2.Kemudian kita pilih menu “Software/Services” --> pilih MySQL

3.Setelah itu Buatlah database MySQL nya dan perhatikan DB namenya.

4.Jika sudah, kita tinggal mengupload Wordpress melalui “File Manager” di menu “Files”, atau untuk lebih mudah dan efisien kita bisa memakai WinSCP atau Filezilla. Untuk Download klik disini.

5.Dengan menggunakan WinSCP/Filezilla kita masukkan hostname, PortNumber(22), Username, Password, File Protocol (FTP)

6.Sekarang tinggal kita upload Wordpressnya yang sudah di extract di directory /public_html dengan cara di drag.

7.Kemudian kita ganti file wp-config-sample.php menjadi wp-config.php, dan edit seperti berikut :

 Edit file nya sesuai dengan data pada webhost di atas.

8.Sekarang kita buka buka : namadomain.com anda di WebBrowser dan mulailah untuk menginstall

9.Isikanlah Site-Title, Username, Password, dan Email seperti saat mendaftar pada Wordpress.com

10.Selamat Mencoba !!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

About Operating System

Operating System is a software that connects between the hardware and brainware

- Process Management
- Memory Management

Based on its use Operasai system is divided into two:
- GUI (Graphical User Interface)
- Basis Text (everything is operated using the console)

Miscellaneous Operating System:
- Microsoft Windows
- MacOS
- etc

Various kinds of distributions of Linux distributions:
- Ubuntu
- Debian
- Fedora
- OpenSuse
- Sabily
- RedHat
- Jangkar (Rembang Government Regency Distro )

NB :
Kernel: platform where everyone can access and create a bias operating system itself. (To check: #cat /var/proc/version)

Distro: Linux package in which consists of the Kernel, Applications, and File Management.
Source Scout: These codes are written to be understood to be run on hardware and software

Swap: The empty space that is used to help the performance of RAM as virtualization

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Creating a DHCP Server in FreeBSD

In the activity PKL / Internships in Puskom UNS, I will make a DHCP server in the scope of the Faculty of Agriculture using the IP Router

Here are the steps:
1. First install the DHCP server package, with the first entry as root,

#cd /usr/ports/net/isc-dhcp31-server
#make install clean 
2.If so, Copy dhcpd.conf.simple to the dhcpd.conf file, in /usr/local/etc
#cd /usr/local/etc/
#cp dhcpd.conf.simple dhcpd.conf
3. Then, setting and configuration dhcpd.conf
#ee /usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf
Edit :
A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.
subnet netmask {
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name "fp.uns.ac.id";
option routers;
option broadcast-address;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
if finished, please "Save"
4. Next, add the script in /etc/rc.conf/ :
#ee /etc/rc.conf/
 add the following script :
 if finished, dont forget to "Save"

5. Then, please to start DHCP Server :
#/usr/local/etc/rc.d/isc-dhcpd start

Creating a DHCP Server in MikroTik

In the task PKL / Internship UPT. Puskom UNS this time is made ​​by using Mikrotik DHCP Server for Building C and D of Agriculture Sebelas Maret University.

Here are the steps:
1. Login to your mikrotik using MikroTik WinBox

2. Look at the ip that is used as eth1 and eth2 or ip at interfaces, select Menu ip --> addresses,

3. klik menu IP --> Poll --> Add (+), to make the IP range that will is distributed, for example with name :  dhcp-pool dan range ip :

4. Then Enable the DHCP server, klik menu IP --> DHCP Server-->Add(+), In the name content with a network or anything, eg dhcp-rt-cd (up to you)
At the interface select the interface that will didistribuskian its dynamic IP in this case because ether2 ether2 to be distibusikan to Building C and D Faculty of Agriculture UNS
In the address poll, select

5. Next configure the Default gateway and DNS server when the client will be connected to the internet. Still in the windows DHCP Server, klik tab Network,

6. If you have any, check the status of DHCP with open Menu New Terminal, type :>ip dhcp-server print

7. Now we are setting his client by using the ip automatically : 

To find out who is connected with mikrotik dhcp ip can be seen, at Menu ip-->DHCP Server--> tab leases


Thursday, June 16, 2011

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